What is Content Marketing?
In our last blog post we touched on how important great content is for your brand. This blog post will dive deeper into the many reasons why content is so crucial to your digital marketing success. What Is Content? Content is a very broad term and includes anything that is educational to the consumer and does not necessarily need to be directly about the products or services a company sells. Content can be anything from relevant curated imagery or your own unique images you have captured during a photoshoot. In today’s world phone cameras are of such a high quality you don’t need to go into studio to take beautiful images. Written content includes articles, blogs, short stories, podcast and video scripts, interviews etc. On social media gifs and videos receive the most engagement so should be featured in your monthly content plan.A unique point of view in the subject matter of your content is integral in communicating what your brand is about. Content Generates Awareness Creating awareness can be a costly exercise which inhibits small businesses from getting their products and services known in the market. Content Marketing equals the playing field and is the most cost effective way of generating brand awareness to targeted audiences. The consumer “Path-to-Purchase” demonstrates the shopping journey individuals follow when making a purchase. ‘Awareness consideration trial purchase re-purchase loyalty love mark’ outlines the various shopper and decision making stages. The awareness stage cannot be successfully achieved without, amongst other things, high quality content to communicate a brand’s offering to potential consumers. Armed with a communications strategy these days marketing campaigns usually make use of both traditional and new media formats to create a holistic 360 campaign to generate brand awareness. The information within your digital content is paramount in creating successful digital campaigns and capturing your audience’s attention before they scroll...